We would like to enthusiastically welcome you to the Hotel Boutique Convento Cádiz. Free daily newspapers are available for the hotel guests. WiFi can be found in the hotel's public areas. Make yourself at home To reach your homy room on one of the upper floors we recommend you to use the elevator. The terrace in the garden is definitely a sight to see. Where you will stay A hand-held blow-dryer, a minibar full of delicious goodies and an air conditioner can be found in all rooms. A desk is at your ready in your room to comfortably write post cards or finish any work you might have brought back from the office. In all the hotel rooms we offer a cable television set. For some in-room entertainment just turn on the satellite TV set and enjoy your favourite programmes. The visitors staying at our hotel can keep their prized possessions protected by using the safe provided in every room. A shower is part of all of our bathrooms. The rooms are equipped with sound proof windows.