Aqua Hotel Nostre Mar Apartaments

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Aqua Hotel Nostre Mar Apartaments

Sun, 9-May-2010 Spain Rating 0.0 Голосов 0
Aqua Hotel Nostre Mar Apartaments
We would like to enthusiastically welcome you to the Aqua Hotel Nostre Mar Apartaments. Make yourself at home We feature a lift for convenient access to the charming rooms on the upper floors. The terrace in the garden is definitely a sight to see. The hotel offers a laundry service. Where you will stay Hotel-conveniences, like a temperature control via AC, await you in each room. Before going to sleep at night, you can flip through the satellite channels on your room's TV. The visitors in the hotel will appreciate the provided strong box. We have a fridge, a microwave and a kitchenette available in each of our guest rooms. Our hotel supplies a shower in all the hotel rooms.
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