In the name of our whole team, we welcome you gladly to the Bauernhof Föhrenhof. Spa Hotels are plentiful, but this one is a prime example of its type. It has all of the advantages you would expect, and more. Make yourself at home The guests are able to use the hotel's washing machine to do their laundry. Storage for your ski equipment is available. Relax or be active The hot tub and sauna are ideal when seeking a peaceful atmosphere in the hotel. Our hotel provides its guests with their own sauna. A tanning studio is also available. Ping pong is offered in the hotel and is a real favourite among our hotel's visitors. During your visit in our hotel enjoy some of our leisure activities, for example archery, where you can shoot a bow and arrow with your friends. If you happen to be bored, check out some of the leisure activities, for example getting on one of our hotel's horses that provide a fun-filled horseback-riding experience. If you happen to have some free time, check out some of our leisure activities, like skiing on the down hill slopes near our hotel. It is ideal for sharing fun-filled moments with your family.