Our entire staff would like to enthusiastically welcome you to the Hotel Aran La Abuela. You can leave your car in one of the many parking spots during your trip. You can use the hotel sauna for free. Our guests will enjoy wireless internet access in public areas, as well as the use of a computer with access to the internet. The use of which is free of charge. Make yourself at home Our modest provides a lift for guests. Within the hotel a lobby is included. A room to store your ski equipment is provided. Where you will stay Your room is equipped with a desk. In all of the hotel rooms there is also satellite TV. The hotel guests appreciate having their own safe available in each and every room. As a courtesy The hotel provides an easy-to-use landline in each and every room for you to keep in contact with your loved ones. Relax or be active To ensure the guests' comfort, we have equipped our wellness facilities with highlights such as our rejuvenating steam room and the sauna.