Our entire team would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Achentalerhof. Parking is not a problem at our hotel, we have ample parking available for our clientele. Free for you A complimentary welcome drink awaits you on arrival. Our hotel provides daily newspapers, for free, for its guests. The hotel sauna is available to use and is complimentary during your stay. During your stay, you can park for free at the hotel. Stay connected during your stay, you will have access to Wi-Fi in public areas and an internet terminal, which are of course free of charge. Make yourself at home The upper floors of the comfy hotel are reached easily with the lift. Our impressive lobby will start your trip off right. Your ski equipment can be stored in a separate room. A family-friendly atmosphere is a high priority at this hotel, which features a children's play area and has non-smoking rooms available upon request. Where you will stay Hotel-services, like a blow-dryer, a safe, an office table and a radio, are provided in all the rooms. Before going to sleep at night, you can flip through the satellite programmes on your room's TV set. Keep up-to-date on current affairs. You can use the newspaper in your room to catch up on thw international news. All of our guests appreciate the useful hair-dryer and the bathrobe that are present in each room. Relax or be active You will find a sauna, steam room and solarium in our hotel. Sporty guests are invited to use the modern fitness room. For those interested in learning how ski our ski-school can help you learn the basics. Afterwards hit the slopes with your co-travellers and show us what you've got. If you have some spare time, go for a walk on our hotel's walking trails and enjoy the fresh air. If you enjoy skiing, you will love that lots of ski-possibilities are available next to our hotel. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 08:00 to 22:00 On the weekend: from 08:00 to 22:00 .