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Sun, 9-May-2010 Austria Rating 0.0 Голосов 0
Here you will find the optimal setting and scenery for the recovery of mind, body and soul. With us you have the unique possibility of blossoming, of feeling like a new person and focusing in on yourself. Water, earth, fire and air unite to restore you with the balance which is all too quickly lost in the stress of everyday life. Here in our four-star oasis, our friendly and competent team will see to it that you feel at ease and healthy. We will gladly accompany you on the way to finding yourself. Of course, alongside health, we shall not forget the equally important fun and enjoyment factor. A warm welcome to the Lebensquell Hotel! BOARD AND LODGING You will experience pure harmony and relaxation with us every step of the way, whether during a culinary culmination in our “Feuerkuchl” restaurant or spending time together in the extremely cosy “Brotbackhäusl”. The icing on the cake of a relaxing day at Lebensquell is a few hours spent at our bar or in the vinothèque. There you will be spoiled with selected wines and refined cocktails and refreshments of all kinds. And musical accompaniment is a must of course. Sweet dreams can now be dreamt! And while we are on the subject of dreams … take a look at our rooms: the glow with peace and have a positive effect on mind, body and soul thanks to selected dashes of colour, comfort and a unique panoramic view over the natural Bad Zell backdrop. Some of our rooms are handicapped-accessible and suitable for allergy-suffereres. RADONARIUM This is the translation of Lebensquell, and appropriately, it is the power of the magic water which everything revolves around in the ****s Bad Zell Lebensquell Hotel. The rather special Radon spa water of Bad Zell has always brought people to this place of power. You will feel this tradition particularly in our Radonarium medical centre of excellence with its Radon therapeutic bath applications. Moreover, innovative treatments such as complete body cryotherapy at -110°C (for the first time in Upper Austria) have found their place here. This type of therapy takes effects on inflammation and pain. It helps your immune system and takes effection to skin deseases. It’s good for your well-being and prevents depression. The refined gas, Radon helps particularly with complaints of rheumatism musculoskeletal detritions and respiratory illnesses. Radon is taken up by the body through the skin and lungs, where the cell repair mechanisms are then activated. Your individually adapted vitality or therapy plan will support you in revitalizing yourself. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 06:00 to 23:59 .
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