We would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Hotel Viella. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Husa Hotels Group family you can be assured that all of your needs will fulfilled. Parking is not a problem at our hotel, we have plenty of parking available for our guests. Access to the WiFi connection is available from the public areas in the hotel. Make yourself at home Use the elevator to access the upper floors of the cosy hotel. To assist you in having a pleasant stay, the hotel offers you the use of our laundry service. Storage for your ski equipment is available. You will not have to go hungry - or thirsty - with our acclaimed dining room and the well-stocked hotel bar providing for your every need. Where you will stay Your room is equipped with a desk. One of our hotel conveniences is cable TV with plenty of entertaining programmes available in all rooms. In every hotel room an easy-to-use phone can be found. Each hotel room features a restroom with a shower. Once you're finished showering grab your bathroom's hand-held blow-dryer to dry your hair quickly.