TRYP Valladolid Sofia Parquesol Hotel

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TRYP Valladolid Sofia Parquesol Hotel

Sun, 9-May-2010 Spain Rating 0.0 Голосов 0
TRYP Valladolid Sofia Parquesol Hotel
We would like to gladly welcome you to the TRYP Valladolid Sofia Parquesol Hotel. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Melia Hotels International family you can be certain that all of your needs will fulfilled. Car parking facilities are located at the hotel for your use. Please specify when making a booking. Our hotel provides you your own free daily newspaper. Make yourself at home You can leave your valuable items at the safe at the hotel's reception. Use the lift to access the upper floors of the homey hotel. Video surveillance is operating in the lobby area. You can hire a car directly from our hotel during your stay. The full-service hotel dining room caters for all your mealtime needs, with a café - bistro providing snacks, drinks and tidbits. Where you will stay Cable TV with plenty of entertaining programmes is offered in every single hotel room. Before going to sleep at night, you can flip through the satellite programmes on your room's Television set. In every single room an easy-to-use telephone can be found. Take advantage of the kitchenette found in your room. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .
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