We would like to gladly welcome you to the El Castell de Ciutat. Guests arriving by car are welcome to use the hotel's available parking spaces. Our hotel's wireless internet can be used in the spacious public areas. Make yourself at home Relax in the spacious lobby with friends or spend time in the quite reading room. Your ski equipment can be stored in a separate room. The acclaimed eatery and our leisurely bar are just the place to meet family or friends. Where you will stay Features, for instance a hair-dryer, an air-conditioning-system and a minibar stocked with mouth-watering goodies, await you in all of the rooms. Having a desk in your room is standard in the hotel. Internet TV is part of the facilities found in your room. The hotel visitors are supplied with a safety deposit box that can be found in every room. In your hotel room's bathroom we lay out personal bathrobes and provide a hair-dryer for our visitors. They come in handy after you're finished taking a shower. Our sauna is popular with the guests.