The hotel “FIORD” was opened after reconstruction in January 2013. There are 22 room in the hotel. There are all conveniences in the rooms, TV, free Wi-Fi. The café is opened from 8 am till 10 pm and suggests full breakfasts, lunch and dinner. The hotel provides round the clock guard, video control, deposit safe at the reception.
The hotel is very cozy. Its convenient location makes possible to have easy walks and to hold business meetings. The hotel keeps up to date and tries to render high level services:
-booking and delivery of avia and railway tickets;
- tourist services ( excursions round the city and the region, help in getting Schengen visa, green cards,, vacation in Norway, on the cost of the fiords);
- transfer airport-hotel-airport;
- free parking.
You are always welcome at the hotel “Fiord”!