We would like to warmly welcome you to the B&B Villa De Keyser. There are ample parking spaces available to hotel guests. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Make yourself at home Take advantage of the garden terrace. During your stay, make use of the laundry service. Where you will stay Desks are available in all of our rooms. Your television set is connected to the internet. For your convenience all rooms are equipped with a kitchenette, a fridge and a coffee maker. In your room's bathroom you will find a shower as well as a blow-dryer.
Our entire crew would like to happily welcome you to the Hotel Shamon. Parking is not a problem at our hotel, we have plenty of parking available for our clientele. A free newspaper on a daily basis can be found in your room. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home The terrace in the garden is definitely a sight to see. Where you will stay Having a desk in your room is standard at our hotel. All the rooms at our hotel entail a cable TV set. In all the hotel rooms a convenient phone can be found. In your room a refrigerator is at your disposal.