Our entire team would like to cordially welcome you to the Nozawa Onsen Lodge Denbe. There are ample parking spots available to guests. Satisfy your appetite between meals with a tasty snack in the hotel's inviting café - bistro. Where you will stay The guests are provided with a television (cable) that is part of every hotel room. In case you happen to have some time on your hands, you can watch some satellite TV in your room. During your entire trip you'll be able to stay in touch with your friends or family since an easy-to-use landline can be found in all of the rooms. Hotel guests can prepare a fresh cup of coffee in the room. Services, like a hair-dryer and a house coat, are part of every room. Rest assured that you will clearly enjoy relaxing in our hotel's hot tub. Near the hotel downhill slopes are available for you and your family to enjoy a fun ski outing. Our hotel has fun-filled activities for you to do with your friends and family, for example ski-touring. It's really popular among our guests. Paragliding is one of the leisure activities provided in our hotel and is a true crowd-pleaser among our hotel's guests.