In the name of our entire staff, we welcome you cordially to the Jin Jiang Inn Wu Ai. Parking is not a problem at our hotel, we have ample parking available for our guests. Our guests will enjoy wireless internet access in public areas, as well as the use of a computer with access to the internet. The use of which is free of charge. Make yourself at home Ask the hotel's competent receptionists for assistance around the clock. The hotel offers you the option of a relaxing dinner in the restaurant, or some exercise in the 9-pins alley. Where you will stay We provide an air conditioner that is available in every room. Desks are a standard service in each and every hotel room. In all the rooms a bathroom equipped with a shower is included. Relax or be active Leisure activities, for example table tennis, are offered to ensure our visitors have a fun-filled trip. During your visit in the hotel take advantage of some of the leisure activities, like a friendly game of squash with your co-travellers. While staying with us take advantage of some of our leisure activities, such as a friendly game of volley ball with your family. During your stay at our hotel, enjoy some of our leisure activities. We provide the necessary equipment for all kinds of sports. We want your stay with us to be a fun one, so grab your family and friends and enjoy a nice game of curling. During your stay participate in some of the leisure activities, like a friendly game of boule with your friends and family. The endless opportunities available for leisure and sports activities include: water skiing, windsurfing, sailing, diving, boat trips and fishing. In between your other planned activities enjoy some down time on the walking trails provided. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .