We would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Fortuna. Visitors are welcome to hire a car directly from our reception and can use hotel parking during their stay. Free for you On request, you can enjoy a free daily newspaper in your room. Free parking is available at the hotel. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Make yourself at home Access to the upper floors is made easy by our elevator. Take advantage of the garden terrace. Storage for your ski equipment is available. Culinary greetings from the kitchen For a quick bite to eat proceed to the hotel's restaurant that offers both vegetarian as well as wholesome multi grain meals. Where you will stay Conveniences, for example an office desk, a blow-dryer, a radio and a strong box, are available in each room. All of our hotel guests enjoy the cable television set that is featured in every single room. In our hotel rooms you'll also find satellite TV. For your comfort Our hotel includes an easy-to-use telephone in every single hotel room for you to keep in contact with your loved ones. Bathrooms in this hotel come with windows. The bathrooms in our hotel have everything you might possibly need, for example a blow-dryer and heated towel racks. These features come in handy when you're finished taking a shower. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 08:00 to 22:00 and from 08:00 to 22:00 On the weekend: from 08:00 to 22:00 and from 08:00 to 22:00 .