Our entire team would like to happily welcome you to the Hôtel Costa Salina. There are ample parking spaces available to guests of the hotel. Access to the WiFi connection is available from the public areas in the hotel. Make yourself at home The well-appointed hotel features a lift for its guests. If you are staying for an extended period, rest assured you can use our washing service. Where you will stay A blow-dryer, a minibar stocked with delicious goodies and a temperature control via AC are provided in all rooms. A desk is at your ready in your room to comfortably write post cards or finish any work you might have brought back from the office. Our guests enjoy the benefit of Pay TV. You will enjoy the internet TV found in your room. All the rooms at our hotel are equipped with a safety deposit box. For your comfort The hotel offers a properly functioning landline in all of our hotel rooms for you to keep in contact with your loved ones.