We would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Hotel Oskar. We have many parking spaces available where you can leave you car during your trip. Free for you On arrival at the hotel you will receive a free bottle of water. When booking with us, you will enjoy complimentary parking at the hotel. Our hotel's wireless internet can be used in the spacious public areas. Make yourself at home Ask the hotel's talented receptionists for assistance at all times. Our quaint offers a lift for guests. Our lobby is kept under video surveillance. Take advantage of the garden terrace. Culinary greetings from the kitchen Vegetarian dishes are available for our guests in our gourmet restaurant. Where you will stay In every single hotel room we have included a temperature control via AC. Having a desk in your room is standard at our hotel. A cable television set is to be found in each hotel room. You'll also find satellite TV available in all of the rooms. Our hotel also offers international newspapers in the rooms. Use the properly functioning phone in your hotel room to touch base with your family and friends. Our suite's bathrooms are fit for a king: Next to the provided hand-held blow-dryer in the bathroom you will find a shower with heated towel holders. Our hotel has soundproof windows for your enjoyment. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .