Our whole staff would like to cordially welcome you to the Yomase Onsen Hotel Selan. Give your important documents, money or jewellery to the experienced reception staff for storage or keep them in the safe in your comfy. Where you will stay Desks are provided in every hotel room. Each and every room entails a cable television set. The rooms in our hotel include a refrigerator. Hotel rooms come equipped with coffee making equipment. Highlights, like a hand-held blow-dryer as well as a bathrobe, are at your ready in all of the rooms. Relax or be active Our hotel offers its guests their own robes. Take these with you when using the wellness section of the hotel that includes a sauna. While visiting with us participate in some of our leisure activities, such as a friendly game of table tennis with your friends. Horseback-riding is a real favourite among our hotel's visitors. It's a great opportunity to share some fun moments with your co-travellers. If you enjoy skiing, you'll love that many ski-possibilities are available close to the hotel. Ski-touring is one of the fun-filled activities that our hotel has. Paragliding is one of the leisure activities provided at our hotel and is a real favourite among our visitors. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 10:00 to 22:00 .