We would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Yokaichi Royal Hotel. You can leave your car in one of the many parking spaces while you are staying in the hotel. Delectable snacks can be enjoyed in the hotel bistro. Where you will stay At the hotel you will also have a desk in your suite. The hotel guests appreciate the cable TV set included in each room. Use the easy-to-use landline in your suite to touch base with your friends and family. A refrigerator is included in your room. We provide a trouser press in each of our hotel rooms for your comfort. Hotel rooms come equipped with coffee making equipment. During your visit at the hotel take part in some of the leisure activities, for example horseback-riding. If you like skiing, you'll love that many ski slopes are available next to our hotel. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 07:00 to 01:00 .