456 1, Murose, Nikko city, Tochigi 321 1275, Japan., Nikko
We would like to happily welcome you to the Hotel Famitic. Meet family in our acclaimed eatery or the leisurely hotel bar. Where you will stay In case you have any unfinished business that you need to take care of, you can simply use the desk available in your room. In-room entertainment will be provided by a television featuring cable channels. In every single room we have included an easy-to-use landline. There is a kitchenette, a refrigerator and a coffee maker in our guest rooms. Those staying with us can leave their bathrobes and blow dryers at home - both are provided in your room. Relax or be active A dressing gown is naturally included. We also offer you your own sauna for relaxing peacefully. While visiting with us enjoy some of our leisure activities, like a nice game of table tennis with your friends and family. Horseback-riding is one of the leisure activities offered in our hotel. It's really popular among our guests and is a great opportunity to share some fun-filled moments with your family and friends. Fishing gear is also available at our hotel. This relaxing yet fun outing is very well-liked among our hotel's visitors.