In the name of our whole crew, we welcome you cordially to the (RYOKAN) Akakuraso. The hotel has a washing machine that can be used by its guests. Where you will stay Enjoy in-room entertainment provided by a television with cable channels. In every single hotel room a properly functioning telephone is included. The rooms in our hotel include a refrigerator. Hotel rooms come equipped with coffee making equipment. Our hotel's visitors appreciate the hand-held hair-dryer as well as the house coat included in all our rooms. We want your visit with us to be a fun-filled one, so grab your co-travellers and go over to the stables to enjoy your spare time horseback-riding. In case you happen to have some free time, check out some of the leisure activities, for example skiing on the down hill slopes near the hotel. It's perfect for sharing fun-filled moments with your friends. During your stay take part in some of the leisure activities, like ski-touring.