In the name of our entire staff, we welcome you enthusiastically to the Kisakata Seaside Hotel. Valuables will be secure in either the strong box at the hotel reception or the one in you very own room. Dine with your family or friends in the high-quality dining room or spend a relaxing evening in the convivial bar. Where you will stay Each of the hotel rooms are equipped with a desk. Conveniences, like cable television with plenty of entertaining programmes, are offered in all the rooms. A properly functioning telephone is available in each and every room. A refrigerator is included in your room. Hotel guests can prepare a fresh cup of coffee in the room. Our hotel's guests are provided with their own hand-held blow-dryer and bathrobe that can be found in all of the rooms. When visiting the sauna, make use of the bathrobe provided by the hotel. Start or finish your day with a rejuvenating experience and give your skin the treatment it deserves. Downhill slopes near the hotel are available for you and your friends to enjoy a fun ski day.