Our entire crew would like to warmly welcome you to the Hotel Latinum. We have many parking spaces available where you can leave you car during your trip. Guest will receive a complimentary bottle of water upon check-in. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home Access to the upper floors is made easy by our elevator. On the roof-top of the hotel a garden can be found. Where you will stay When visiting our hotel, our visitors are provided with a minibar filled with a large selection of beverages, a hair-dryer as well as an air conditioner that are located in every room. Desks are a standard convenience in all of our rooms. Your television set is connected to the internet. Highlights, like a kettle ideal for brewing a cup of coffee and a strong box, are to be found in each and every hotel room. During your entire trip you'll be able to stay in touch with your friends or family since a properly functioning landline is available in every single hotel room. In your hotel room's bathroom there is a shower as well as a hand-held hair-dryer.