In the name of our entire team, we welcome you enthusiastically to the Batavia Boutique Hotel. It doesn't matter whether you're staying for one night or more, you will find lots of parking spaces available at the cushy hotel. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home A garden terrace is also provided. If you are staying for an extended period, rest assured you can use our washing service. Where you will stay Courtesies, such as a hair-dryer, air conditioning as well as a minibar storing cold refreshing beverages, can be found in all the rooms. A safety deposit box and a kettle for preparing coffee are offered in all our hotel rooms. In case you happen to have some time on your hands, grab your family for a movie marathon. In our rooms a DVD-player is provided. You can comfortably get ready in the morning thanks to the hotel's bathrooms that have a shower and a blow-dryer. There are also complimentary house coats featured in the bathrooms.