Our entire crew would like to warmly welcome you to the Mykonos Adonis Hotel. You can leave your car in one of the many parking spaces while you are with us. WiFi can be found in the hotel's public areas. Make yourself at home We invite you to spend time in the spacious lobby area or the hotel's reading room during your stay. Take advantage of the garden terrace. Where you will stay A hand-held hair-dryer, a minibar filled with a large quantity of beverages and an air conditioner can be found in all our rooms. Enjoy the satellite Television set found in every room. Each room includes a kettle ideal for brewing a cup of coffee in the morning. Take your coffee to-go and leave your articles of value locked away in the room's safe. Use the easy-to-use landline in your room to touch base with your family or friends. A blow-drier and bathrobes are provided in each of our 24 charming rooms.