In the name of our entire staff, we welcome you cordially to the Hotel Alpino. Guests arriving by car are welcome to use the hotel's available parking spaces. One of the hotel's amenities is a daily newspaper free of charge. Make yourself at home We offer a lift for convenient access to the cosy rooms on the upper floors. We invite you to spend time in the spacious lobby area or the hotel's reading room during your stay. The terrace in the garden is definitely a sight to see. The hotel offers a storage room for your ski equipment. Where you will stay Services, such as a temperature control via AC, are in every single hotel room. A desk is at your ready in your room to comfortably fill out post cards or finish up any work you might have brought back from the office. You will enjoy the internet TV found in your room. The clientele in the hotel will appreciate the provided safety deposit box. As a courtesy The hotel offers a convenient telephone in all of our hotel rooms for you to keep in contact with your loved ones. Highlights, such as a blow-dryer and a bathrobe, are available in each and every room. We supply you with a steam bath to relax from a long day.