We would like to happily welcome you to the Hotel Mayorca. The hotel's management permits four-legged friends in the well-appointed hotel. Access to the WiFi connection is available from the public areas in the hotel. Make yourself at home Our comfortable hotel provides a lift for its visitors. To assist you in having a pleasant stay, the hotel offers you the use of our laundry service. Where you will stay Services, for instance a hand-held hair-dryer, an AC as well as a well-stocked minibar, are featured in each room. Internet TV is available in your room. In all the rooms we have included a strong box, so that the visitors can keep their valuables protected. During your entire trip you'll be able to stay in touch with your family and friends since a convenient telephone is included in all rooms. The hotel suite's restroom entails a shower and a blow-dryer for drying your hair afterwards.