Our whole team would like to cordially welcome you to the Ramee Rose Hotel. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Ramee Group of Hotels family you can be assured that all of your needs will fulfilled. You can hire a car directly from the hotel and are entitled to use hotel parking during your stay. Free for you Guests will receive a complimentary welcome drink upon arrival, and a free bottle of water in the room. Free daily newspapers are available for the hotel visitors. The use of the hotel sauna is included in your stay and comes at no extra cost. Guests can use the beach chairs for free. Free parking is available at the hotel. For your convenience we offer you a shuttle service from the airport to our hotel. You can take our shuttle service from the hotel to the airport. We offer guests complimentary late check-out. A computer terminal with free internet access is available to guests. Make yourself at home You can leave your valuable items at our safe at our hotel's reception. Guests of this hotel may find it convenient to use the lift to the upper floors. Our lobby is kept under video surveillance. Our hotel dining room and bistro-café will ensure that you never go hungry. Where you will stay Highlights, for example a television (cable), can be found in all of the rooms. Directly from your room you can stay informed about global affairs with the newspaper offered to. Our hotel provides you rooms equipped with an easy-to-use telephone. During your stay we have a coffee maker, a fridge, a microwave and a kitchenette in each of our guest rooms. Relax or be active The hotel sauna is a relaxing way to spend some time. Our guests are invited to use the fully equipped fitness room. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .