In the name of our whole staff, we welcome you happily to the 12 Months Luxury Resort. The hotel has lots of parking spots available. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Make yourself at home Use the elevator to access the upper floors of the well-appointed hotel. On the roof-top of the hotel a garden can be found. Where you will stay Enjoy your air-conditioned guest room which includes a minibar, a desk, cable TV and coffee making facilities. Internet TV is part of the facilities found in your room. As a courtesy to you Our hotel provides a convenient phone in all rooms for you to keep in contact with your loved ones. You will find a refrigerator in each of our hotel rooms. A DVD-player is provided in your hotel room. It is great if you decide on a movie-night. Your suite's bathroom includes a blow-dryer and next to the shower complimentary bathrobes await you. The windows in each of the hotel's rooms are sound proof. Relax or be active Our guests' contentment is our hotel's priority. This is the reason our hotel provides its guests a steam room and sauna.