We would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Villa Sonnino. You can leave your car in one of the many parking spaces while you are staying in the hotel. Make yourself at home We have a lift for convenient access to the comfortably decorated rooms on the upper floors. If you are staying for an extended period, rest assured you can use our washing service. Look forward to a wholesome meal in the dining room and a tasty drink from the leisurely bar. Where you will stay You'll find a minibar stocked with numerous beverages, a blow-dryer as well as an air conditioning system in each room. In case you have any unfinished business that you have to take care of, you can simply use the desk found in your room. The guests in our hotel can keep their valued items secure by using the strong box provided. In each room a properly functioning telephone is included. Your hotel suite's bathroom includes a shower and a hand-held hair-dryer for drying your hair afterwards.