Our whole team would like to gladly welcome you to the Oaza. You won't have to leave your domestic pets at home when staying in this hotel - bring them along, our hotel manager is fine with it. One of the hotel services is a complimentary newspaper delivered every day. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home Take advantage of the garden terrace. A laundry service is available. Where you will stay Every hotel guest appreciates the easy-to-use air conditioning system, the minibar filled with a large quantity of beverages as well as the hair-dryer available in all rooms. Cable television for visual and audio entertainment is part of every single room. You will find pay television for visual and audio entertainment in every room. One of our hotel services is a strong box located in each and every room. Your room has a ceiling fan, so if you would like to cool down, simply switch it on and enjoy.