Grande Hotel Campos do Jordão

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Grande Hotel Campos do Jordão

Sun, 9-May-2010 Brazil Rating 0.0 Голосов 0
Grande Hotel Campos do Jordão
In the name of our whole crew, we welcome you gladly to the Grande Hotel Campos do Jordão. Conveniences, such as a free newspaper delivered every day, await you in all of our hotel rooms. Our hotel's wireless internet can be used in the spacious public areas. Make yourself at home To reach your well-appointed room on one of the upper floors we recommend you to use the elevator. Enjoy your delicious evening meal in the relaxing surroundings of the eatery, and then meet family or friends at the convivial bar. Where you will stay Coolness is ensured thanks to our air conditioned rooms. Take advantage of our minibar stocked with numerous beverages. Other features are a blow-dryer, a telephone and cable. Having a desk in your room is standard at our hotel. In each and every room our hotel offers a strong box, so that the guests can secure their valuable possessions. For your comfort soft robes await you in your room's bathroom. You can slip one on after you're done showering and then dry your hair with the hair-dryer available. Your paradise is here, particularly if you're a sauna-lover.
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