In the name of our whole staff, we welcome you gladly to the Bellevue At Trinity Beach. Apartment Hotels are plentiful, but this one is a prime example of its type. It has all of the advantages you would expect, and more. The hotel has plenty of parking spaces available. WiFi can be found in the hotel's public areas. Access to the upper floors is made easy by our elevator. Where you will stay Conveniences, like a hair-dryer, the necessary tools for making coffee, an AC as well as cable TV, are available in all our hotel rooms. There is a safety deposit box in all of the rooms. Use the properly functioning landline in your hotel suite to touch base with your friends and family. All guest rooms have a microwave, a fridge, a coffee maker and a kitchenette available. If it happens to rain, don't let it ruin your day. Simply use the DVD-player in your room and enjoy an entertaining day in with your family. Your room is equipped with a ceiling fan. Bathrooms in the hotel feature a shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer.