In the name of our whole team, we welcome you cordially to the Residence Tabor. There are plenty of parking spots for our hotel clientele. You don't want to leave your pets at home while travelling? No problem with this welcoming hotel - just bring them along! Access to the WiFi connection is available from the public areas in the hotel. Make yourself at home We offer a lift for convenient access to the comfy rooms on the upper floors. The hotel's garden terrace provides an enjoyable atmosphere for its guests. Where you will stay You will enjoy the internet TV found in your room. Services, for instance a kettle (for preparing a cup of coffee) and a safe, are at your ready in your hotel room. For your convenience all rooms are equipped with a kitchenette, a fridge and a coffee maker. In every room at our hotel we offer a bathroom with a shower. Once you're finished showering grab your bathroom's hand-held blow-dryer to dry your hair quickly.