Our whole crew would like to proudly welcome you to the The Ciao Stelio Deluxe Hotel. The hotel has lots of parking spaces available. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home Access to the upper floors is made easy by our lift. The terrace in the garden provides a great relaxing area. Where you will stay Conveniences, like a minibar stocked with mouth-watering goodies, air-conditioning and a hair-dryer, are included in every single hotel room. Satellite TV is a standard feature provided in each and every room. Every room includes a safety deposit box for your your valuable items as well as the necessary tools for making coffee. A convenient landline can be found in all our rooms. Courtesies, like a hair-dryer and a house coat, are provided in your hotel room. Soundproof windows are a feature in all rooms at our hotel.