Our entire crew would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Hotel Du Lac. The hotel has lots of parking spaces available. You won't have to leave your four-legged friends at home when staying in this hotel - bring them along, the manager of the hotel is fine with it. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Make yourself at home The comfy hotel provides a lift for its guests. The garden on the roof is a great place to spend your free time. Where you will stay We offer a hand-held hair-dryer, an AC and a well-stocked minibar that are found in every single hotel room. Your room is equipped with a desk. In case you happen to have some free time, you can watch some satellite TV in your room. The visitors of the hotel can keep their articles of value protected by using the strong box provided. In your hotel room's bathroom you will find a shower and a hair-dryer.