We would like to warmly welcome you to the Bronte Country Estate. Guests arriving by car are welcome to use the hotel's available parking spaces. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Make yourself at home The terrace in the garden is definitely a sight to see. Where you will stay If you're staying at our hotel on business, you'll enjoy having a desk in your room. The TVs in the hotel feature satellite programmes. You will find pay TV for visual and audio entertainment in all the rooms. For your enjoyment we have a fridge, a minibar and a kitchenette available in each room. Each hotel room features a telephone. All guest rooms have a microwave, a fridge, a coffee maker and a kitchenette available. For your amusement DVD-players are available in all of our rooms. A shower, a bathtub and a hairdryer can be found in the bathroom of your room. For your convenience soft bathrobes await you in your room's bathroom. You can slip one on after you're done showering and then dry your hair with the hand-held blow-dryer available. Soundproof windows are a feature in all rooms at our hotel.