In the name of our whole crew, we welcome you enthusiastically to the Isle Beach Inn. Our hotel offers lots of parking spots for its visitors. Car parking facilities are located at the hotel for your use. Please specify when making a booking. Feel free to request our daily newspaper, which will be delivered for free. WiFi can be found in the hotel's public areas. Make yourself at home Take advantage of the garden terrace. A family-friendly atmosphere is a high priority at this hotel, which features a children's play area and has non-smoking rooms available upon request. Our restaurant team ensures that our clientele get a delicious meal from an intriguing menu. Where you will stay Highlights, for example an air conditioner, are included in your hotel room. You'll find pay television with plenty of entertaining programmes in every single hotel room. Internet TV is available in your room. Each hotel room features a telephone. During your stay make use of the coffee maker, fridge and kitchenette provided in our hotel rooms. In case it happens to rain, don't let it ruin your day. Just use the DVD-player in your suite and enjoy an entertaining day in with your family. As a courtesy we also provide ceiling fans in all of the rooms.