Our entire staff would like to enthusiastically welcome you to the Sensational De Paradisio. Our hotel has lots of parking spots available. You don't want to leave your pets at home while travelling? No problem with this handsome hotel - just bring them along! Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home You also have access to a laundry machine to wash your clothes. Where you will stay Our hotel provides you your own blow-dryer, kettle (for making coffee), television (cable) and air-conditioning system that are located in all of the rooms. All rooms in our hotel have Pay TV. Your room is equipped with a microwave. In your room a refrigerator is at your disposal. In our rooms a DVD-player is provided, so don't forget to pack your favourite movie. In your hotel room you will also find a ceiling fan. After you get out of the shower, use the hand-held hair-dryer available to dry your hair off.