We would like to cordially welcome you to the Whale Cove Inn. The accommodating hotel features a daily newspaper free of charge. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home Our comfy hotel offers a lift for its guests. The lobby in the entrance is sure to make a great first impression. Where you will stay A desk is available in your room to comfortably fill out post cards or finish any work you might have brought back from the office. Satellite TV is a standard convenience available in our hotel rooms. A safety deposit box and a kettle for preparing coffee are present in all of the rooms. A convenient phone can be found in all of our rooms. In your room a refrigerator is at your disposal. For a fun night in enjoy the DVD-player in your room. After you get out of your bathroom's shower slip into one of our complimentary robes. The hotel bathrooms also include a blow-dryer. The windows in each of the hotel's rooms are sound proof.