In the name of our whole crew, we welcome you proudly to the Hôtel Suites Lac-Brome. It doesn't matter whether you're staying for one night or more, you will find ample parking spaces available at our cushy hotel. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home Hotel guests may find it convenient to use the elevator to the upper floors. When entering the hotel you will be greeted in the lobby. A garden terrace is also provided. Where you will stay In every single hotel room we have included a blow-dryer, a kettle (for preparing a cup of coffee in the morning), a cable television set and an air conditioner. Our hotel provides a safety deposit box for the use of its clientele. Our hotel provides its guests rooms with a convenient telephone. You will find a refrigerator in each of our hotel rooms. We also provide our guests with DVD-players in their rooms. Relax or be active Overcoming daily stress can be done easily thanks to our hotel's steam room and the sauna.