In the name of our whole team, we welcome you happily to the La Casona del Cafetal. There are ample parking spots for our hotel visitors. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Make yourself at home To assist you in having a pleasant stay, the hotel offers you the use of our laundry service. Where you will stay Before going to sleep at night, you can flip through the satellite channels on your room's TV. A safety deposit box and a minibar filled with a wide-ranging selection of beverages are available in each and every hotel room. The rooms in our hotel include a refrigerator. Rooms come with coffee making utensils. The bathrooms in all of the hotel rooms provide a spa-like ambience: After a hot steam in the shower you can then slip into one of the complimentary bathrobes provided. After a long day, what better way to treat yourself than to take a break in our hotel's own steam room.