Our whole staff would like to proudly welcome you to the Hotel Marbella. Our hotel provides plenty of parking spots for its clientele. On request, you can enjoy a free daily newspaper in your room. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Our welcoming features a lift for guests of this hotel. Where you will stay Courtesies, like air-conditioning, can be found in your hotel room. If you are staying at our hotel on business, you'll like having a desk in your room. Conveniences, like cable television, are available in every single room. Valuable items, such as your jewellery, laptop, important documents or money, can be stored securely with the help of the safe provided in all of our rooms. All of our hotel rooms entail a convenient telephone. If it happens to rain, don't let it ruin your day. Simply use the DVD-player in your room and enjoy an entertaining day in with your co-travellers.