Our entire crew would like to gladly welcome you to the Hotel Partenon Beach. Guests arriving by car are welcome to use the hotel's available parking spaces. Your free daily newspaper can be delivered to your lovely room on request. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home The hotel's garden terrace provides an enjoyable atmosphere for its guests. This hotel welcomes families with children. There is a play area for your little ones and families can be accommodated together in non-smoking rooms. Please let us know the composition of your party when reserving your room. We have an extensive menu with something for absolutely everyone in our dining room. Where you will stay All the rooms feature an air conditioner, a blow-dryer, cable television for visual and audio entertainment as well as a kettle for preparing a cup of coffee in the morning. We supply you with pay TV that can be located in all of the rooms. Sporty guests can take advantage of the well-equipped fitness room.