In the name of our whole staff, we welcome you cheerfully to the Relais Paradiso. Those staying here with us are provided with their own free newspaper delivered day-to-day. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home Our elevator is available to take you to the upper floors of the well-appointed hotel. The hotel's garden terrace provides an enjoyable atmosphere for its guests. Where you will stay Take advantage of the minibar stocked with numerous beverages, the AC and the blow-dryer available in all our rooms. One of our hotel's courtesies is pay TV with plenty of entertaining programmes included in every room. Internet TV is part of the facilities found in your room. Each guest appreciates the safety deposit box in each hotel room. During your entire trip you'll be able to stay in touch with your family or friends since a convenient telephone is available in every single hotel room. With our compliments soft bathrobes await you in your room's bathroom. You can slip one on after you're done showering and then dry your hair with the blow-dryer available. All hotel rooms are fitted with soundproof windows for the comfort of our guests. Relax or be active To avoid the stress of travelling, we have outfitted the hotel with a steam room and sauna.