Avenida 10 de Julio No 2, Col Puntilla, Ciudad del Carmen
Our entire team would like to happily welcome you to the Courtyard Ciudad del Carmen. When you stay at a hotel that is a part of the Marriott family you can be positive that all of your needs will fulfilled. We have many parking spots available where you can leave you car during your trip. Free daily newspapers are available for the hotel visitors. Make yourself at home You can either use the stairs or our elevator to reach your comfortably decorated room on the upper floors. When entering the hotel you will be greeted in the lobby. The hotel's pleasant bar and gourmet dining room are excellent meeting places for friends. Where you will stay Our hotel rooms naturally have cable television for visual and audio entertainment, a hand-held hair-dryer, an AC as well as a kettle for preparing a cup of coffee. You'll find a writing desk, a radio, a blow-dryer and a safety deposit box in all the rooms. Hotel-conveniences, for example pay television with plenty of entertaining programmes, are part of all rooms. Directly from your room you can stay informed about global affairs with the newspaper provided for. A refrigerator is included in your room. In your room's bathroom you will find a shower as well as a blow-dryer.