In the name of our whole team, we welcome you cheerfully to the Sky Kamer Boutique Hotel. It doesn't matter whether you're staying for one night or more, you will find lots of parking spots available at our cushy hotel. Free for you In all the rooms we offer a complimentary newspaper delivered once a day. You can use the hotel sauna for free. Wireless connection to the internet is available in the hotel's public rooms. Make yourself at home Our qualified reception staff will be pleased to place your valuable items in our hotel safety deposit box. To reach your comfortably decorated room on one of the upper floors we recommend you to use the elevator. Culinary greetings from the kitchen Our vegetarian visitors enjoy visiting our hotel's restaurant since it offers meals suitable to them. On the menu wholesome dishes are available as well. Where you will stay We provide our guests a hand-held hair-dryer, a minibar full of delicious goodies as well as air conditioning that can be found in every single hotel room. Having a desk in your room is standard at the hotel. Satellite TV is a standard convenience available in your hotel room. Within your room you will find international newspapers. Our hotel rooms are outfitted with a safe as well as the necessary tools for making coffee. As a courtesy Our hotel includes a properly functioning landline in all of our rooms for you to keep in contact with your loved ones. Your room's bathroom has a hand-held blow-dryer and next to the shower complimentary house coats await you. Relax or be active The hotel's guests enjoy the steam room and sauna. In case you happen to be bored, try out some of our leisure activities, like getting on one of our horses that provide a fun horseback-riding experience. Enjoy spending your free time out on the slopes with your family and friends. The hilly landscape is ideal for our hotel's visitors who like to have fun in the snow. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .