In the name of our entire crew, we welcome you enthusiastically to the Fatih Hotel Corner. There are lots of parking spots for our hotel visitors. Free for you A complimentary welcome drink awaits you on arrival. Free parking is available at the hotel. Complimentary late check-out is available at our hotel. You may be able to upgrade your room for free. WiFi can be found in the hotel's public areas. Make yourself at home Your articles of value will be stored securely in our safety deposit box at reception. We have a lift for convenient access to the well-appointed rooms on the upper floors. When entering the hotel you will be greeted in the lobby. Where you will stay On a rainy day you can take advantage of your in-room entertainment. Satellite TV sets are available in our rooms. Each hotel guest appreciates the minibar filled with a large quantity of beverages and the safety deposit box that are present in all the rooms. After you get out of your bathroom's shower slip into one of our complimentary robes. The hotel bathrooms also include a blow-dryer. For your enjoyment, our hotel has soundproof windows. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .