Our whole crew would like to enthusiastically welcome you to the Rapina. The hotel has plenty of parking spots available. Hotel guests can take advantage of our convenient car parking space. Please request when making a booking. If you are arriving by car, we have free parking directly at the hotel. The public rooms in the hotel all offer WiFi. Make yourself at home Ask our hotel's knowledgeable receptionists for assistance around the clock. Within the hotel a lobby is included. The terrace in the garden provides a great relaxing area. Families with children are always gladly received in this welcoming hotel, as a children's play area and non-smoking rooms are available for our visitors. Please make any requests when reserving your room. Our gourmet dining room and the leisurely hotel bar will make sure you don't go hungry or thirsty. Where you will stay Your entertainment is ensured with cable TV in all our fetchingly furnished hotel rooms. In each and every hotel room a properly functioning phone is available. The sauna is a soothing way to enjoy your spare time. The sea is even more beautiful while sitting back on a boat. So grab your family, check out our boating activities and see for yourself. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .