We would like to happily welcome you to the Julianów. The Land-gut-Hotels family would like to welcome you to the Julianów! There are plenty of parking spots for our hotel guests. During your stay, you can park for free at the hotel. Stay connected during your stay, you will have access to Wi-Fi in public areas and an internet terminal, which are of course free of charge. Make yourself at home The talented reception offers assistance and advice at all times. We have video surveillance in our lobby. Where you will stay If you're visiting at our hotel on business, you'll like having a desk in your room. Conveniences, like a cable TV set, are present in all the rooms. Coffee making facilities are available in your room. All of the rooms entail a restroom with a shower. Once you're finished showering grab your bathroom's blow-dryer to dry your hair quickly. The sound proof windows in your room ensure a peaceful stay. Business hours of reception: Every day: from 00:00 to 00:00 .