Our entire team would like to cheerfully welcome you to the Morgentau Pension. Our hotel is located very close to the station (just 0,85 km as the crow flies). The hotel has lots of parking spots available. If you are arriving by car, we have free parking directly at the hotel. Our hotel's wireless internet can be used in the spacious public areas. Make yourself at home A garden terrace is also provided. A special storage room for your ski equipment is provided. Where you will stay At our hotel you will also have a desk in your room. When visiting our hotel, you are provided with cable TV that can be located in all the rooms. Those staying in our hotel are supplied with rooms equipped with a properly functioning telephone. Radios are a standard service in our hotel rooms. Our hotel rooms feature a coffee maker, a fridge, a microwave and a kitchenette. The bathrooms all have windows in them. Take advantage of the warm towels from the towel heaters after you step out of the shower. And when it's time to get ready, the make-up mirror and hair-dryer will come in handy. Soundproof windows are a feature in all rooms at our hotel. If you're travelling with a baby or toddler, ask about the baby monitors provided to new parents. Business hours of reception: On business days: from 07:00 to 21:00 and from 07:00 to 21:00 On the weekend: from 07:00 to 21:00 and from 07:00 to 21:00 .